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The Book of Revelation: Embracing & Awaiting the Kingdom

 In a time of strife, division, and antagonism within and amongst kingdoms of this world, Christians must remember the Kingdom to which they ultimately belong. Amid political and social strife, Christians must be a people that resist allures of earthly power and instead be a people reflective of the True King––our Lion and Lamb––Jesus. With that in mind, we will study the Book of Revelation to consider how we should live faithfully as Kingdom people. 


For reasons that will be explored in our series, the Book of Revelation is often avoided or misunderstood in churches. It is not a code to decipher but a book of encouragement for God’s people. This book provides a robust perspective on what it means to be part of God’s Kingdom, instilling in us a profound hope as we eagerly await the fullness of that Kingdom in Christ’s return. In this 12-week series, we will not only examine the book's major themes and address certain misconceptions but also discover the profound hope that the Book of Revelation presents, leaving us with a sense of optimism and joy for the future. 

Resource Guide

 Addtionally, we have created a resource guide that includes helpful reading and additional resources for those interested in more in-depth study.


For sermons from these series, check out our sermons page

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